My Story
Heya! I’m Olivia Joy Siebel (O.J.Siebel) or just Liv!
This space was originally designed as an artistic outlet for all my freelance writing (poetry, stories and work) that I needed to get out into a visual journal of sorts.
Over the years having done mission trips I have seen first hand the quality of life and living so many people in other countries live with. This passion along with my passion and love for the earth and sustainable living led me to create a space where all my passions could come together in one.
Creating art and writing have always been a source of joy to me. To write life-giving words that double as a gift to brighten someone else’s life and home is success to me.
Growing up as one of 11 siblings we didn’t have a lot, yet what we lacked in “things” we made up for in riches of fun and adventure. It is this balance of adventure, people, fun, stillness, faith and pure and simple joy that I grew up loving and aim to graft into my everyday life. A life of contentment balanced with a pursuit of soul awakening dreams, and this is what you will find woven into all of my writing and art.
I won’t overwhelm you with my entire biography, but here’s a few fun facts :
I love the ocean and mountains more than any other place on earth
I love surfing, sport and adventure’s hiking ( and adventure in general )
I love cooking; I’m a health freak through and through
I’m obsessed with chai tea and 90% dark chocolate
I’m an actress (I can’t get enough of storytelling in all forms haha)
I hope this space encourages you, I hope it speaks truth and gives you life no matter your season. I hope this space allows you to choose more sustainable gift options that add colour and life to you and the receiver, and I hope this space inspires you to live a life of love, light and adventure.
Big love,
O.J.Siebel X